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Flickr Post Event Networking

I read a blog post by Jeff Pulver about using Flickr for connecting with new people after attending an event together.

Jeff had a simple and elegant suggestion – we need a tool that given a conference or an event tag will show me all the people who posted photos on that event and who are not yet on my contact list. This is a great way of finding new and old friends on Flickr.

Anyway, I had some Flickr API code already open in one of my editors (people who know me know that I never close windows, so if I did some Flickr related stuff sometime since the last reboot, I’ll have it handy :) ), so… Check out the Flickr Post Event Networking tool.

A few implementation details:

  • The images are ordered by interestingess
  • You don’t have to login to Flickr – the tool grabs your public contact list
  • The results are cached for one hour – so after adding people to your contact list, it might take a while for the page to reflect the new status

Jeff – thanks for a killer idea! :)

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