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Iosart Blog v3.0 is here

Santa Monica
As you probably noticed, it’s been a while since I posted anything to this Blog. The reason? I’ve been really busy working on some really cool stuff, and just couldn’t manage to find the time to write.

Today I decided to revive my blog and start blogging again.

I’ve done some tweaking and upgrading to bring my somewhat stale WordPress installation up to date:

  • Upgraded to WordPress 2.1 (the new WP is great!)
  • Changed the Blog name from “Random Memoirs” to plain old “Iosart Blog”. I just felt that simpler is better in this case
  • Tweaked the Blog theme and its sidebar, adding blogroll, recent visitors (MyBlogLog) and so on

So, why v3.0? Because this is actually the third incarnation of this blog. My first Blog was called “The Bug Blog” and was using Nucleus. Then, I moved to WordPress 1.5 and renamed the Blog to “Random Memoirs”. Hopefully, 3rd time will be the charm :)

One Response to “Iosart Blog v3.0 is here”

  1. Uri Baruchin Says:

    looks very slick!