The Nomadic Camera Project
Ami Ben Basat – a journalist, a writer and a friend has started an amazing project – he sent his miniature Sony T7 camera on a photo-journey. Each week, this jewel of a camera spends a week with one photographer documenting his or her life and afterwards it’s passed on to the next photographer in the chain.
All the photographs are uploaded to Flickr and create a living documentary of camera’s travels.
In Ami’s own words:
This Friday I’m going to hand the camera to my friend Y. That’s where the T7’s unusual journey will begin. Y, who’ll be the camera’s new custodian, is an amateur photographer among other things. On Sunday he’ll take his own picture with the camera, along with a clip from that day’s newspaper. He’ll upload the picture to Flickr. It doesn’t matter where, provided that he does one thing: upload all images under one tag: “katze-blog”. That way, anyone who wants to see the pictures can key “katze-blog” in Flickr’s search engine and join the photo journey. That’s all.
Photo journey? Exactly so. Y isn’t going to keep that amazing camera. Instead, he’ll hand it on with the box (and this text) to a certain friend. Now the story starts over. Whoever gets the camera can keep it for a week. On Friday they have to pass it on. But before they do that, they’ll upload to Flickr (katze-blog) at least one picture of themselves with a newspaper and a date, and several others – all of them taken by this little naughty camera. They should not forget, of course, to put them under the appropriate tag so that we can all see it.
And on Friday they’ll hand this little treasure to a new user.
Ami’s post announcing the Nomadic Camera Project can be found here.
I was very fortunate to be the third one in the chain to get the Nomadic Camera – after my friends Yaniv Golan and Amit Knaani.
You can see the Nomadic Camera photos I took so far on Flickr and on Flickriver. All project photos are added to the Nomadic Cam group pool that also has its own Flickriver view.

I’m really looking forward to following the Nomadic Camera travels – first here in Israel and then, hopefully, all over the world.
Now playing: Bob Dylan – Like A Rolling Stone
via FoxyTunes
August 10th, 2007 at 9:58 pm
El Al is planning to add a 4th direct flight to Los Angeles so there should not be a problem to send the camera to La-La-Land…no visa is required…
I promise not to use it for paparazzi purposes –