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Posting old photos to Flickr

A few years back I decided to have all my photo films scanned, in order to complete my move to digital photography. I got a few friends and family members organized and got a great deal on having several hundreds of film rolls scanned at a pretty high resolution.

Anyway, I started to post the scanned images to Flickr and my own photo galleries, but during these last several years I just didn’t find the time to post the rest of them, leaving a lot of unpublished material from several very interesting trips.

So, I decided that instead of waiting until I have time to post all the remaining photos (probably never), I’d start to post only a few each day. So, here are the first photos of this batch, from my trip to Italy during April 2001.

Are you looking at me?!

3 Responses to “Posting old photos to Flickr”

  1. Pascal Says:

    I find your very nice photos via … google 😉
    I am a Belgian radioamateur (ham – my call sign is my email adress) and I was looking for a picture of the atomium. I did finally found your nice picture.
    I am planing to make QSL card (card exchange between 2 radiomateurs to confirm contact) and I want to place different pictures on this card. I have already some personal picture but I miss the atomium …
    So, my question is : could I dispose of your original picture (I need high resolution) if it is free of right and with your agreement of course ?
    Sorry to post my request here, but I dind’t find any email adress to contact you
    Many thanks for any comments

  2. darvenginzks Says:

    I’ve recently joined and wanted to introduce myself :)

  3. Anna7 Says:

    Good job. :) Interesting indeed.