Comments on: Fooling Apache web ~ music ~ photography ~ life Mon, 29 Nov 2010 16:28:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daves Mon, 21 Nov 2005 09:39:14 +0000 Your tip to create MY_HOST does not work for me, but SERVER_NAME mentioned in comments does it well… thanks.

By: Iosart Tue, 26 Jul 2005 09:58:33 +0000 Tobias,
The problem I was trying to solve was achieving functionality similar to “Virtual Hosts” without being able to add new Virtual Hosts to Apache config files. If you have full control of the server there are of course easier ways.

By: Tobias Tue, 26 Jul 2005 08:45:42 +0000 This ”problem’ of serving different content from off one server seems to be very common. I or myself tried the solution buildin into Apache through the ‘Virtual Host’ approach.
Name-based VHosts do exactly what you are tring to archieve: serving content based upon the requested domain/hostname. This even ives the ability to create ‘failback hosts’ so, if the server is requesed either of its ‘dns’ or vhost-names or its ip-address , the server responds the respoective content (from the vhost) or if no matchin vhost is found, it serves the default one.

By: Christian Fri, 20 May 2005 11:36:35 +0000 Great idea!

Another solution is to use SERVER_NAME instead of HTTP_HOST. This only works if UseCanonicalName is Off, though.

By: Larry Matter Wed, 01 Dec 2004 14:40:41 +0000 Thanks for taking the time to put this info up. I had the exact same problem and you saved me a lot of grief.
